Words by Inês Carvalho. On Saturday (26 June), Emergence Dance live-streamed their 2021 Triple Bill. The postgraduate dance company of Joss Arnott Dance and the University of Salford worked with guest choreographers Becky Namgauds and […]
‘my body is an exhibition’ baby – Christoper Matthews / formed view | Review
Words by Katie Hagan. Experienced @ Sadler’s Wells 24/06/21. As I reflect on my body is an exhibition curated by Christopher Matthews/formed view, I’m reminded of what a special and warm way it was to […]
Building a LGBTQIA+ library in Poland – Interview with Filip Kijowski
Words by Katie Hagan. The last time I spoke with dance artist Filip Kijowski was in the bleak aftermath of an exhaustive period for Poland’s LGBTQIA+ community. The authoritarian President Duda had just been elected […]
Impermanence Dance Theatre’s ‘Lady Blackshirt’ – an experimental response
Words by Sophie Chinner and Katie Hagan. Impermanence Dance Theatre‘s Lady Blackshirt is an experimental, dance-collage film exploring the development of modernism and radical ideologies in the early twentieth century. This abstract film, which ran […]
Sex fantasies & food shopping | AllouAqui Dance Theatre ‘Milan’s Game’ | Review
Words by Katie Hagan. *please note this contains sexual references* Milan’s Game is 15+. Nothing seems out-of-bounds in AllouAqui Dance Theatre Company’s Milan’s Game. Over the course of 52 minutes, audience members are swept up […]
Discover DAJ’s Percolate residency archive!
A couple of months ago we did a residency at Siobhan Davies Studios as part of the studios’ Percolate award. During our week-long research, we were exploring new ways to write about dance, going beyond […]
(UN)COMMON GROUNDS by Klevis Elmazaj | Review
Words by Inês Carvalho. We listen to echoes of the cracking wood floor while watching an empty house. No furniture. The broken windows allow the light to come in. A room only gets inhabited when […]
In conversation with Transitions Dance Company
Words by Katie Hagan. Founded in 1982 by then artistic director Bonnie Bird, Trinity Laban’s resident postgraduate outfit Transitions Dance Company comprises 14 dancers from around the globe who complete a rigorous audition process to […]
“There is so much to learn from Deaf dance culture” | interview with Surface Area Dance Theatre
Words by Katie Hagan “I really wanted to do something that I could remember her by. I wanted to feel as if she’d helped in some way.” Seven years ago, Nicole Vivien Watson director of […]
Glimpses of a Future: What does the future look like? Interview with Yaraqa
‘Glimpses of a Future’ is a new docuseries available on Netflix that combines writing and movement to answer the following question: If you can imagine the future, what does it look like? During the first […]